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speaker_notes Accounts - Principles of account (WAEC 2010)

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This is for O'level students preparing for Accounts - Principles of account WAEC examination.
Instruction: Achieve at least 50% in less than 30 seconds per question.

Quiz Started: 0 Second ago · 19 April 2024 2:18 · Questions: 46 · Answered: 0 · Recommended Time: 0h:23m:0s
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6 Click Here To Discuss Question

 Use the following information to answer the given question 

1/1/06 Debtors D2,600
1/1/06 Provision for bad debts D60
1/12/06 New provision provision for bad debts 5% on debtors



What is the amount of the new provision for bad debts?

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7 Click Here To Discuss Question

Use the following information to answer the given question 
1/1/06 Debtors1/1/06 Provision for bad debts31/12/06 New provision provision for bad debtsD2,600D605% on debtors1/1/06 DebtorsD2,6001/1/06 Provision for bad debtsD6031/12/06 New provision provision for bad debts5% on debtors
The provision for bad debts in the profit and loss account is

Select 1 Option (1 Mks)


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