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speaker_notes Use of English (JAMB 1995)

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6 Click Here To Discuss Question


The development of science and technology in this
century had led men into many inventions and discoveries. For
nearly a century, men were content with the use of railways,
carriages and cars. Another chapter opened when steam ships
and airplanes were invented. Thus, through technology, man
conquered the land, the water and the airspace. But there was
one area left unconquered by man: outer space. In fact, outer
space --- planets, stars and the galaxies --- was known only
through magnifying lenses. Thus, man operated on mere
conjectures as far as knowledge of these things was concerned.
Consequently, there was no scientific certainty, only hypotheses.
But today, man has penetrated outer space.
It is true that science and technology have developed
tremendously in this century. In the field of engineering, for
example, the automobile has been invented as a means of easier,
more comfortable and faster movement fromone place to another.
Apart from that, methods and instruments for diagnosing
diseases and promoting hygiene and sanitation have helped to reduce mortality rate and improve living conditions. In the field
of electronics, the invention of the computer is a remarkable
achievement. The use of computers in economic activities,
education, administration and business has helped to reduce
the exertion of human energy as more activities can be carried
out faster and more effectively.
However, in spite of the laudable contributions and
lofty accomplishments of technology, it has, nevertheless,
succeeded in introducing several anomalies and, in some cases,
reduced the value attached to human life. In our age, social life
has been greatly altered by technological changes such as the
invention of nuclear energy. Those who support the invention
of nuclear energy claim that the onlyway to maintain peace is to
be battle-ready. Humanity is greatly threatened and terrorized
by the invention of the nuclear warhead. People now live in
dread of the hour, as no one knows when a conflict may arise
between nations, which may lead to the use of the nuclear bomb
assumed to possess the capacity of wiping out humanity within
the twinkling of an eye.

The phrase ‘For nearlya century’ implies that the events
described happened

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